Get the backstory on SARS-CoV-2
Read my free ebook on coronavirus, how new viruses appear, and more here.
This blog updates the book which was published Feb. 28, 2020.
Coronavirus: overreaction?
Hard to believe it has only been three days since my last post, when SO MUCH has happened in terms of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In the US, ever-greater efforts at social distancing are causing disruptions for pretty much everyone, and the economic outlook is...
Coronavirus incubation period: by then it’s too late
They say that the best time to plant a tree is ten years ago. The second best time is today. We're looking at a similar situation with the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) pandemic. Infectious disease outbreaks have a momentum and timeline that separates cause and effect by a...
Don’t freak out: US coronavirus case count about to go way up
It's time for you to stop paying close attention to COVID-19. As a member of the American Society for Microbiology, today I received an email from ASM describing their effort to persuade the FDA "to lift Emergency Use Authorization restrictions that prevented clinical...
Good news: the kids are gonna be fine #coronavirus
My selected coronavirus report today is the figure you see above, which I found in today's Washington Post, which cites the original source as something called The Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Epidemiology Team. This is an example of how modern...
Don’t give up: Social distancing can help #coronavirus
At this stage of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we have passed the point of containment. That is, if "containment" means keeping the coronavirus out of some countries or populations. The Wuhan coronavirus has been found in people in 58 countries (with a few more reporting...
The Wuhan coronavirus: Pandemic is coming
Because I'm a microbiologist who writes science disaster thriller novels, I've closely followed the story of the new Wuhan SARS-causing coronavirus since it came to light in early January. I have in fact been obsessed with it because in preparation for writing my...
My tips on the craft of science thriller writing
Now it's a lecture! I'll be talking about these points and more to the California Writers Club, South Bay Branch, in Santa Clara, CA on Monday, Jan. 13. Get the details at the club website here.Share this:
My tips on the craft of science thriller writing
My friends at CareerAuthors.com, a site devoted to writing craft and business for authors, invited me to submit a post on writing science thriller fiction. I was delighted to oblige. You can read my tips and tricks for craft by visiting CareerAuthors here. Share this:
Tardigrades land on the moon
Tardigrades crash-landed on the moon! According to these reports in Wired and Popular Mechanics, the freakishly resilient microscopic creatures tardigrades (also known as "water bears") have landed on the moon. In April of this year (2019), a private Israeli space...
Writing runs in the family
Scottsdale Progress, Aug. 8, 2019 Kimberly Carrillo/Progress Staff Photographer Stained glass at Kilgore Chapel at Valley Presbyterian Church. It runs in the family! I'm so proud of my uncle, who is in his 80s, for writing a book on a topic he is passionate about. A...
Hello world
I'm back. For an inexcusably long time, I've been away from the business of my websites, away from publishing, away even from writing more than a few short stories for anthologies sponsored by local writing organizations that I'm part of. Though I hesitate to set...