What are you afraid of? Coronavirus and the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises What are you afraid of? Coronavirus and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius If you’re put off by the title of today’s post, go ahead and skip it. I’ll be back tomorrow with our regularly...
Sorrow in the time of corona Everything’s cancelled, and my community is on lockdown (“shelter in place”). I know I should be happy about that. If we were all blithely going about our ordinary business, I’d be on my digital soapbox screaming: no! Be careful what you...
Panic vs preparation #coronavirus Panic, or preparation? This afternoon I went to my local Trader Joe’s grocery store and saw this. These particular shelves are where they stock pastas and jars of sauce. Yesterday in the checkout line at Raleys, I heard a woman...
Coronavirus: What am I supposed to do now? Social distancing for families. Image: CDC document “Mitigation Strategies for Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission” So what am I supposed to do now? Social distancing for families We’re basically...
Are the social distancing measures an overreaction? Is America overreacting? This is the number one question people are talking about today. The context, of course, is virtually every American is now being affected with some kind of loss—loss of a favorite sports...
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