Hello world

I’m back.
For an inexcusably long time, I’ve been away from the business of my websites, away from publishing, away even from writing more than a few short stories for anthologies sponsored by local writing organizations that I’m part of. Though I hesitate to set myself up for failure, I think, at last, I’m ready to be a writer and independent author-publisher again.
As part of my evolutionary process over recent months, with the help of the tremendously able Jeniffer Thompson of Monkey C Media, I’ve re-imagined and re-designed my two major websites, AmyRogers.com and ScienceThrillers.com. As of today, AmyRogers.com is pretty much finished. And it’s beautiful! ScienceThrillers.com is mostly done but I need to re-format, edit, update, and reload about a hundred book reviews.
One new aspect of this site is this blog! Blogging is so last year, I know, but I think it will be useful for me to have a place to talk about what’s on my mind as a scientist and a writer. Someplace more intimate and deep than Facebook.
For all my loyal fans, thank you for your patience. I hope to get going on my next science thriller novel in September. Maybe a release in late 2020? I’ll keep you updated.
I had no plan for this first blog post until today. Inspiration struck in a most welcome way, with an unexpected email from a new fan. Because it made my day, I’m going to share it here. And I will let the thought that I succeeded with at least one reader motivate me to keep going.
Hi Amy,You gifted me a copy of Petroplague at the California state fair and I’m writing to let you know that I really enjoyed it! It was so believable. I loved the twists where people trying to do good (like the eco-fanatic- Neil and the ecology protestors-River and Mickey) caused harm since they weren’t able to control the repercussions of their actions, especially when they got involved with the fundamentalist fanatics squirreled away off the grid. I loved (though I hated it) how the pure-hearted scientists (a Latina and an Asian) were co-opted and controlled by the evil corporate capitalists (my kind of villain). I loved how how the science was real or at least plausible and the addendum about the science. And I loved how the strong, intelligent Latina women- River and Christina- triumphed in the end and life went on under still alarming circumstances. Just like now.THANKS! I am going to pass the book on.
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